Personal Electronics Policy

Dear Families,

With more and more younger students receiving your permission to bring personal electronic devices to school, it has come to our attention that there is a need for some basic guidelines to help ensure appropriate school use. We need your assistance in emphasizing the privilege of using personal devices here at school, and the importance of proper care and use in a setting with students of varied ages.

It is required that the technology documents are read and agreed upon both by you and your child(ren). These policies will be applicable to all students in the Extended Day Programs in Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade who wish to bring a personal electronic to school (older students already have a personal device policy).

It is important that you and your child(ren) read the enclosed information, policies and responsibilities and discuss them together. Inappropriate use will result in the loss of the privilege to use their device(s) after school and other disciplinary action, if appropriate.

For those devices with Internet capability: We have established procedures and rules regulating the materials that students may search for on the network, but please be aware that there is unacceptable and controversial material and communications on the Internet that your child could access. It is not possible for us to always provide direct supervision of all students. We cannot filter material posted on network-connected devices all over the world and we encourage you to consider the potential of your child being exposed to inappropriate material in your decision of whether or not to sign the WiFi consent.

EVERY student in grades PK-5 whose families allow him/her to bring a personal electronic device to school must sign and return the user agreement.

Hardcopies will available at school during pick-up or drop-off.

Electronic copy: EDP tech agreement forms